So you want to get started with some lawyer internet marketing strategies, but you don't know where to start and you don't have a lot of time to spend.
Here are 5 must-do's to get started and they will only take about 3 hours per week to prove themselves valuable. And the best part is, they're all free. Once you're done, contact us to see how we can make your lawyer internet marketing dollars work even harder.
1. LinkedIn (15 mins./week)- No, not just set up a profile.
First, with regard to your profile, do everything they suggest to get to 100% complete. That means get recommendations. Use your head when adding recommendations. Also, make sure to include relevant keywords. People will search by keywords. Make connecting easier by turning the last name field of your profile into your last name and your email address (example: Last Name ([email protected])).
Next, join relevant groups. Here are a couple that are good for law firm marketing and lawyer internet marketing: Lawyer Marketing | Grow your practice, Attorney Web Marketing, and Bisnar's Lawyer Marketing Mastermind Group. Also, use the group search function to find other groups (i.e. alumni groups, practice-specific groups). Once you've joined, set a goal of participating in at least one discussion per week.
Finally, post on LinkedIn Answers. That way your LinkedIn lawyer internet marketing profile reaches both your connections and the broader LinkedIn network.
2. Facebook (15 mins./week)- No, not just post pictures from your fishing trip.
First, the rule about not being "markety" in social media applies most strongly with regard to Facebook. Facebook users are trying to keep in touch with friends, not searching for professional services. That being said, the audience is just too large to ignore.
There are three things to set up in Facebook. First, your profile. Keep it professional and include relevant contact info. Don't install applications. Make your profile public and include keywords.
Next, set up a page for your law firm. Make sure to include your blog feed. Set up a group. Don't name your group your law firm's name. Name it something relevant for a searching user (i.e. Chicago Malpractice Lawyers). Remember, your page is just a part of your law firm advertising strategy.
Once you have your profiles set up, use the group search function to search for relevant groups to join. Again, set goals for posting on walls, sharing links, etc.
Finally, Facebook can also be a tool to keep apprised of client activities. More and more courts are allowing social media postings in e-discovery. Keep an eye out for what your clients are posting.
3. Twitter (30 mins./week)- No, don't tweet, "looking for a lawyer?"
If you haven't done so, set up your twitter profile. Make sure to customize your background with your contact information. Add a picture of yourself. Once you have customized your profile, download a desktop client. Top choices include TweetDeck, AlertThingy, and Digsby. With AlertThingy and Digsby, you can also add your LinkedIn and Facebook profiles.
OYou can use TweetDeck's search function to look for keywords that people are discussing. This is a great way to find new clients. However, be careful not to cross into unethical solicitations.
Once you get more comfortable, check out
4. Blog- (60 mins./week)- OK, so perhaps 1 hour per week isn't enough, but it's a good start.
Entire books have been written on blogging, but I will try to point out some quick and dirties here. Write about something you know a lot about. You want your blog to get linked to and commented on, so keep your writing interesting. Don't think treatise, think law school outlines. Keep the pace quick and light. Try to use relevant keywords where appropriate. Remember, the quality of your content is key. Write for your readers, they will reward you.
Make sure you are circulating your blog posts. Email them to colleagues. Submit them to your social network groups. Submit your blog to legal blog (blawg) directories.
5. Feedly (60 mins./week)- No, don't spend your whole morning trying to read every legal blawg out there.
If you haven't done so, choose a reader. I have suggested google reader here. Set up your reader with relevant legal marketing blawgs. Also, set up some google alerts for terms such as "lawyer internet marketing," "law firm marketing," "lawyer marketing," and "attorney advertising." When someone posts something on these topics, it will show up in your reader. Spend about 15 mins. per day keeping up on what's going on in the legal marketing world. Here are 3 blawgs to get started with: Larry Bodine's Blog, Kevin O'Keefe's Blog, and the Legal Search Marketing Blog.
When you find something that you want to comment on, do it. Always include your name and url to your blog in your post. Provide value. Try to say something more than "nice post." Never, never, never spam!
So there you have it. Only 3 hours per week. You will see value!
If you have any questions about growing your practice in the web 2.0 world, contact us about our law office marketing services.
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You forgot to mention that these services cost no money, just time. I like how you laid out the time per week needed, a good beginning outline.
Wish I had written this. Now more then ever... you must keep yourself visible, relevant and plugged in.
Great post, thanks for the information! I'm already on it.
What an excellent blog post !
How significant is Internet marketing to businesses?
interesting post ! it shows how internet marketing has effected different fields .
I don't know If I said it already but ...Great site...keep up the good work. 🙂 I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I'm glad I found your blog. Thanks, 🙂
A definite great read..Tony Brown
Thanks for the kind words. It's always great to get feedback that people are enjoying what we write.
[...] more importantly, create an online social networking plan. Here’s a very basic 3 hour per week plan. Start with smaller and informed social media investments. Here are some additional [...]