Our approach to law firm web design is all about conversion. You can spend thousands of dollars on search engine optimization (SEO) to drive visitors from Google, but if they don't convert, it will be largely a waste.

Furthermore, most law firm website design companies don't really understand how search engines work. For example, let's say your firm focuses on the practice area of personal injury. While the design shop might build you a "pretty website," as Seth Godin says, "Pretty websites…are rarely websites that convert as well as unpretty ones."

In our view, the best law firm websites are those that attract potential clients. Too many legal website vendors sell lawyers on building pretty websites, as opposed to, those that will earn engagement from social media and fit into a more wholistic online legal marketing campaign. Our clients hire us for our ability to generate them new clients, not law firm web design awards.

As you probably already recognize, online marketing in the legal space is exceptionally competitive. If your web designer doesn't have experience generating new clients for lawyers from search engines, social media, and a host of other channels, your new expensive custom website probably won't be worth the cost.

How to Research a New Website Design Company

If you're in the market for a new lawyer website, one of the first things you should consider is reviewing testimonials from their former clients. Make sure you consider attorney website marketing companies that understand the unique considerations of both effectively and ethically marketing a law practice.

Your prospective web designer should also have working knowledge of SEO, particularly with respect to technical SEO. You should ask a lot of questions about what technologies will be used to actually develop the site. For most law offices, we recommend building on WordPress. You should also ask about the web marketing company's approach to content writing. If your digital marketing strategy isn't built around content that will both rank in search engines, as well as, motivate potential clients to contact and hire you, your web presence is likely to be more of a liability than an asset.

In addition to SEO, it's also beneficial to consider whether the company has experience with additional marketing services. In particular, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and other internet marketing services.

Questions to Ask Your Law Firm Website Design Agency

Here are some common questions we recommend lawyers ask their web design companies and our point of view.

What is your experience with search engine optimization (SEO)?

SEO is in our company's DNA. More specifically, local search engine optimization. Most of our web design clients rely on us to deliver results from an SEO perspective too.

What is your experience with law firm website design projects with law offices like mine?

At the risk of stating the obvious, we'd need to know more about your firm. However, we have over a decade of experience building websites for small, local consumer law practices (i.e. personal injury, family law, criminal defense, bankruptcy, etc).

What is your experience building web presence for my practice area(s)?

Tell us what practice area(s) you're in and we'd be happy to let you know. Most of our clients are personal injury lawyers.

What is your experience working with law practices of my size (i.e. solo practitioners, small law firms, big law)?

Most of our clients are either solos or small law firms. However, we have consulted on web design projects for much bigger firms too.

Will you be building my law firm's website on WordPress?

Most likely. It's very rare that we recommend anything other than WordPress.

If so, do you recommend free, premium, or custom WordPress themes? Why?

Probably a premium theme. Free themes tend to lack sufficient support, updates, and differentiation. For most of our clients, completely custom themes are unnecessary. We have found that modifying premium themes tends to be the best balance for most of our clients.

How do you intend to convert website visitors into potential clients?

We probably need to have a more substantial conversation about this. However, the TL;DR version goes something like this: research your audience, understand who they are, what problems they are trying to solve, and how you are uniquely qualified to help them. Build this research into your design, and content marketing strategy. Measure the results. Identify areas for improved optimization.

Can you share examples of websites you've design and developed and case studies of the results from the online legal marketing strategy with respect to generating new clients for the law practice?

We hold our relationships with our clients sacred. That's why you won't find us publishing our full client list or linking to our website at the bottom of our clients' sites (that's a really bad idea by the way). However, we understand that seeing is believing. So, if you contact us, we usually will provide you with some examples of our work and success stories.

In your opinion, what are the fundamental components of the best websites?

Speed. Responsiveness. Conversion. Ultimately, our sites are designed to convert website visitors from potential clients to new clients.

Are you based in the United States?

Our full-time team is based in the United States.

Do you offer free consultations?

We do.

Hopefully this answers some of the most common questions you might have in shopping for a new law firm website. If we missed any, don't hesitate to contact us.

Why you should choose us to build your website:

  • Unique & Valuable - We build law firm websites that demonstrate your professional knowledge, skill and experience. By developing pages with quality content, your practice will stand out. By integrating multiple media formats (text, images, video), your pages will supply your target audience with the information they seek.
  • Excellent User Experience - Our sites are designed to deliver an optimal experience to your users. This means building pages that load fast, respond to multiple devices (smartphones, tablets and desktops) and regularly receive positive feedback from visitors.
  • Keyword Optimized - We do the research necessary to understand the keywords used by your target audience. Our pages are designed to zero-in on target searcher intent.
  • Made for Sharing - Your pages will be built for sharing. That means making pages compelling, as well as, easy and obvious to share. We will include relevant social sharing tags for social sites like Facebook Open Graph and Twitter cards.
  • Multi-Device Optimized - Your pages will provide users an excellent experience on smartphone, tablets, laptops, desktops and other devices.
  • Search Engine-Friendly - We build pages for your users, but keep search engines in mind. That means sure that your pages are easily accessed and indexed by search engine spiders and bots.
  • Structured Meta Data - Where appropriate, we will set up Google Authorship, Publisher and add additional structured data to enhance your pages' visibility with rich snippets.
  • We are familiar with the unique considerations of marketing a law firm online.
Testimonials on this site are from examples of real client results. The results you see are not typical. They do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on a variety of factors. Your results may vary.
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